How to Research Funding for Your Postgraduate Studies in the UK

 In International, Scholarships, Self Help

Funding for Your Postgraduate StudiesSo, you’ve set your sights on an advanced degree – fantastic! But with tuition fees on the rise, the question of funding can feel daunting. Fear not! The UK offers a wealth of resources to help you finance your postgraduate studies. Here’s a guide to kick-start your funding research:

1. Unleash the Power of Research Councils

The UK boasts seven Research Councils, each specialising in specific disciplines. These powerhouses distribute funding for postgraduate research through Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs). DTPs offer a flexible approach, allowing universities to allocate funding to individual students and research projects. Conversely, CDTs focus on designated research areas identified by the councils. To find the relevant Research Council, head to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and explore their funding opportunities.

2. Explore University Funding Pages

Most universities in the UK maintain dedicated webpages outlining scholarships, bursaries, and studentships available for postgraduate study. Don’t underestimate this resource! Universities often offer generous funding packages specific to certain programmes or research areas. Dive into your chosen university’s website and explore their postgraduate funding section.

3. Seek Charitable Support

The UK has a rich tradition of charitable giving, and many charities and trusts offer scholarships and grants for postgraduate study. Investigate charities related to your field of study – for instance, the Sir Richard Stapley Education Trust supports students across disciplines, while the Leverhulme Trust provides substantial funding for a wide range of postgraduate subjects. Explore government resources like GOV.UK to find a directory of charities.

4. Consider Subject-Specific Funding

Some professional bodies and industry associations offer scholarships targeted at postgraduate students within their disciplines. For instance, the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) provides funding for marketing-related postgraduate programmes. Research professional organisations relevant to your field to see if they offer funding opportunities.

5. Don’t Forget International Options

If you’re an international student, there might be scholarships available from your home country or specific to your nationality. Explore resources provided by your home government or educational institutions. Additionally, some universities in the UK offer dedicated scholarships for international postgraduate students.


  • Start Early: Researching funding takes time. Begin early to explore all possibilities and meet application deadlines comfortably.
  • Read the Fine Print: Each funding opportunity comes with specific eligibility criteria and application processes. Read all details thoroughly to ensure you’re a good fit.
  • Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from your chosen university’s postgraduate admissions or funding office. They can provide invaluable insights and support throughout the application process.

With thorough research and a proactive approach, you can find the financial backing to turn your postgraduate dreams into a reality. Best of luck in your funding endeavours!

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